Blockquotes - Typography

For quoting blocks of content from another source within your document.

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For quoting blocks of content from another source within your document. Wrap Blockquote component around any <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> as the quote.

A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.


Naming a source

The HTML spec requires that blockquote attribution be placed outside the Blockquote component.

When providing attribution, wrap your Blockquote component in a Figure component and use a footer attribute or a block level element (e.g., <P>) with the Figcaption component class.

Be sure to wrap the name of the source work in <cite> tag as well.

A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.



Use text-alignment attribute as needed to change the alignment of your blockquote.

A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.


A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.

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