
Sidebars make it easier for users to find information on your site

On this page

Install usebootstrap-docs

Sidebar is an experimental component included in the usebootstrap-docs module.

Module installation is required to run

Installation of use-bootstrap-docs NPM Package

npx nuxi@latest module add usebootstrap-docs


Sidebars can be implemented by adding <Sidebar> and specifying :routes.

  <Sidebar :routes="routesSample" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import routesSample from "./routes-sample.json"

JSON file

"name": "Sample",
"icon": "bi:award-fill",
"color": "indigo",
  "name": "SampleContent",
  "path": "#"
  "name": "SampleContent2",
  "path": "#"
"name": "Sample2",
"icon": "bi:airplane-fill",
"color": "green",
  "name": "SampleContent3",
  "path": "#"